An English family consists of a few persons, who, from youth to age, are found revolving within a few feet of each other, as if tied by some invisible ligature, tense as that cartilage which we have seen attaching the two Siamese.

English Traits (ed. Boston, Phillips, 1856)

An English family consists of a few persons, who, from youth to age, are found revolving within a few feet of each other, as if tied by some...

An English family consists of a few persons, who, from youth to age, are found revolving within a few feet of each other, as if tied by some...

An English family consists of a few persons, who, from youth to age, are found revolving within a few feet of each other, as if tied by some...

An English family consists of a few persons, who, from youth to age, are found revolving within a few feet of each other, as if tied by some...