Ragnar Frisch Quote

I approached the problem of utility measurement in 1923 during a stay in Paris. There were three objects I had in view:
(I) To point out the choice axioms that are implied when we think of utility as a quantity, and to define utility in a rigorous way by starting from a set of such axioms;
(II) To develop a method of measuring utility statistically;
(III) To apply the method to actual data.

Frisch (1932) New Methods of Measuring Marginal Utility. Mohr, Tübingen. p. 2-3

I approached the problem of utility measurement in 1923 during a stay in Paris. There were three objects I had in view: (I) To point out the choice...

I approached the problem of utility measurement in 1923 during a stay in Paris. There were three objects I had in view: (I) To point out the choice...

I approached the problem of utility measurement in 1923 during a stay in Paris. There were three objects I had in view: (I) To point out the choice...

I approached the problem of utility measurement in 1923 during a stay in Paris. There were three objects I had in view: (I) To point out the choice...