R. Lee Wrights Quote

The American Revolution wasn't about replacing a hereditary tyrant with an elective despotism. It is time to remind our ruling elites of that point. It is time to remind them that the founding principle of our nation holds that when those who profess to govern us perpetrate a long train of abuses designed to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. It is not just our right - but our duty - to send a loud, clear and unequivocal message to the president and Congress that it is time to stop the war on liberty and freedom, today and in the 2012 election.

"America Is Not a Battlefield"

The American Revolution wasn't about replacing a hereditary tyrant with an elective despotism. It is time to remind our ruling elites of that point....

The American Revolution wasn't about replacing a hereditary tyrant with an elective despotism. It is time to remind our ruling elites of that point....

The American Revolution wasn't about replacing a hereditary tyrant with an elective despotism. It is time to remind our ruling elites of that point....

The American Revolution wasn't about replacing a hereditary tyrant with an elective despotism. It is time to remind our ruling elites of that point....