The sciences, on the contrary, without bounds like nature herself, increase infinitely by the labours of successive generations the most perfect work; by raising them to a height from which they can never again descend, gives birth to new discoveries which new works which efface the former from which they originated.

The System of the World, Book V, Chapter V (pp. 343-344), Printed for Richard Phillips. 1809

The sciences, on the contrary, without bounds like nature herself, increase infinitely by the labours of successive generations the most perfect...

The sciences, on the contrary, without bounds like nature herself, increase infinitely by the labours of successive generations the most perfect...

The sciences, on the contrary, without bounds like nature herself, increase infinitely by the labours of successive generations the most perfect...

The sciences, on the contrary, without bounds like nature herself, increase infinitely by the labours of successive generations the most perfect...