We were trying to monitor the sailboat, trying to help us keep it upright and optimized, and it turned out that sailing became an incredible practical laboratory.

Http://www.wired.com/2013/07/sailor-philippe-kahn/ Wired July 12th, 2013, on how his passion for sailing inspired the creation of some MotionX sensors.

We were trying to monitor the sailboat, trying to help us keep it upright and optimized, and it turned out that sailing became an incredible...

We were trying to monitor the sailboat, trying to help us keep it upright and optimized, and it turned out that sailing became an incredible...

We were trying to monitor the sailboat, trying to help us keep it upright and optimized, and it turned out that sailing became an incredible...

We were trying to monitor the sailboat, trying to help us keep it upright and optimized, and it turned out that sailing became an incredible...