I have by no means always been numbered among those who pluck the fruit; I have been repeatedly only one of those who planted or cared for the trees.

Nobel Lectures, Physics 1901-1921 - Nobel lecture for award received in 1905 - On Cathode Rays (p. 105), Elsevier Publishing Company. Amsterdam, Netherlands. 1967

I have by no means always been numbered among those who pluck the fruit; I have been repeatedly only one of those who planted or cared for the trees.

I have by no means always been numbered among those who pluck the fruit; I have been repeatedly only one of those who planted or cared for the trees.

I have by no means always been numbered among those who pluck the fruit; I have been repeatedly only one of those who planted or cared for the trees.

I have by no means always been numbered among those who pluck the fruit; I have been repeatedly only one of those who planted or cared for the trees.