Philip Birnbaum Quote

The diversified authorship of the Prayerbook, embracing prophets and psalmists, legalists and poets, proclaims that all Israel has a share in its making.

Festival Prayer Book: Pesah (1971) p.IX

The diversified authorship of the Prayerbook, embracing prophets and psalmists, legalists and poets, proclaims that all Israel has a share in its...

The diversified authorship of the Prayerbook, embracing prophets and psalmists, legalists and poets, proclaims that all Israel has a share in its...

The diversified authorship of the Prayerbook, embracing prophets and psalmists, legalists and poets, proclaims that all Israel has a share in its...

The diversified authorship of the Prayerbook, embracing prophets and psalmists, legalists and poets, proclaims that all Israel has a share in its...