In the long run, it's not just how much money you make that will determine your future prosperity. It's how much of that money you put to work by saving it and investing it.

Learn to Earn: A Beginner's Guide to the Basics of Investing and (ed. Simon and Schuster, 2012) - ISBN: 9781476712031

In the long run, it's not just how much money you make that will determine your future prosperity. It's how much of that money you put to work by...

In the long run, it's not just how much money you make that will determine your future prosperity. It's how much of that money you put to work by...

In the long run, it's not just how much money you make that will determine your future prosperity. It's how much of that money you put to work by...

In the long run, it's not just how much money you make that will determine your future prosperity. It's how much of that money you put to work by...