Until you recognize the need, the absolute requirement for taking responsibility, you will not succeed. Once you do accept the responsibility, however, the Egoscue Method never fails. Never. No drugs, no surgery, no machines, no miracles. Just You. A normal person, doing normal things.

The Egoscue Method of Health Through Motion: Revolutionary Program of Stretching and (ed. Harper Collins, 2011) - ISBN: 9780062046529

Until you recognize the need, the absolute requirement for taking responsibility, you will not succeed. Once you do accept the responsibility,...

Until you recognize the need, the absolute requirement for taking responsibility, you will not succeed. Once you do accept the responsibility,...

Until you recognize the need, the absolute requirement for taking responsibility, you will not succeed. Once you do accept the responsibility,...

Until you recognize the need, the absolute requirement for taking responsibility, you will not succeed. Once you do accept the responsibility,...