Pearl S. Buck Quote

It is a shameful sign of our arrogance that our history departments have almost no Chinese history in them, our literature courses almost no Chinese literature, our philosophy departments almost none of the great Chinese systems of philosophy. And our religious schools have been the most arrogant of all.
This ignorant arrogant mind has become fixed in its patterns. It is the pattern which considers anything not American to be inferior — unless it be English.

"China and the Federal Union" an address at the Federal Union organization, New York City (April 1942)

China and the Federal Union | Department of English[]

It is a shameful sign of our arrogance that our history departments have almost no Chinese history in them, our literature courses almost no Chinese...

It is a shameful sign of our arrogance that our history departments have almost no Chinese history in them, our literature courses almost no Chinese...

It is a shameful sign of our arrogance that our history departments have almost no Chinese history in them, our literature courses almost no Chinese...

It is a shameful sign of our arrogance that our history departments have almost no Chinese history in them, our literature courses almost no Chinese...