Pearl S. Buck Quote

We are not empire builders. How important this fact is no American who has not lived in Asia can appreciate. It goes against our conscience, which is a very tender part of the American spirit. Therefore we are learning how to hold our allies, not by force of arms and government, but by mutual benefit and friendship. So much is already clear...
I am therefore hopeful. In spite of dismaying contradictions in individuals in our national scene, I feel the controlling spirit or our people, generous, decent, and sane. In this mood of faith and hope my work goes on. A ream of fresh paper lies on my desk waiting for the next book. I am a writer and I take up my pen to write.

p. 407, This has sometimes been quoted as "In a mood of faith and hope..." - My Several Worlds (1954)

We are not empire builders. How important this fact is no American who has not lived in Asia can appreciate. It goes against our conscience, which is ...

We are not empire builders. How important this fact is no American who has not lived in Asia can appreciate. It goes against our conscience, which is ...

We are not empire builders. How important this fact is no American who has not lived in Asia can appreciate. It goes against our conscience, which is ...

We are not empire builders. How important this fact is no American who has not lived in Asia can appreciate. It goes against our conscience, which is ...