Paul Davies Quote

Science, it is usually believed, helps us to build a picture of objective reality – the world 'out there'. With the advent of the quantum theory, that very reality appears to have crumbled, to be replaced by something so revolutionary and bizarre that its consequences have not yet been properly faced.

'Prologue', p. 12 - Other Worlds: A Portrait of Nature in Rebellion, Space, Superspace, and the Quantum Universe (1980)

Science, it is usually believed, helps us to build a picture of objective reality – the world 'out there'. With the advent of the quantum theory,...

Science, it is usually believed, helps us to build a picture of objective reality – the world 'out there'. With the advent of the quantum theory,...

Science, it is usually believed, helps us to build a picture of objective reality – the world 'out there'. With the advent of the quantum theory,...

Science, it is usually believed, helps us to build a picture of objective reality – the world 'out there'. With the advent of the quantum theory,...