Paul Cézanne Quote

Painting certainly means more to me than everything else in the world. I think my mind becomes clearer when I am in the presence of nature. Unfortunately, the realization of my sensations is always a very painful process with me. I can't seem to express the intensity which beats in upon my senses. I haven't at my command the magnificent richness of color which enlivens Nature... Look at that cloud; I should like to be able to paint that! Monet could. He had muscle.

In: a conversation with Vollard, along the river near Aix, 1896, as quoted in Cezanne, by Ambroise Vollard, Dover publications Inc. New York, 1984, p. 74

Painting certainly means more to me than everything else in the world. I think my mind becomes clearer when I am in the presence of nature....

Painting certainly means more to me than everything else in the world. I think my mind becomes clearer when I am in the presence of nature....

Painting certainly means more to me than everything else in the world. I think my mind becomes clearer when I am in the presence of nature....

Painting certainly means more to me than everything else in the world. I think my mind becomes clearer when I am in the presence of nature....