Patrick Nielsen Hayden Quote

Book publishing was never a heaven run by editors, and it is by no means today a hell run by accountants. If our sole interest was instant profit, not only would we never do any number of the things we actually do every day, we probably wouldn't be in book publishing at all.

A simple, mildly incredulous philippic, in Making Light, April 7, 2010.

Book publishing was never a heaven run by editors, and it is by no means today a hell run by accountants. If our sole interest was instant profit,...

Book publishing was never a heaven run by editors, and it is by no means today a hell run by accountants. If our sole interest was instant profit,...

Book publishing was never a heaven run by editors, and it is by no means today a hell run by accountants. If our sole interest was instant profit,...

Book publishing was never a heaven run by editors, and it is by no means today a hell run by accountants. If our sole interest was instant profit,...