I charged into something which might have been a tree, but was not—being, in point of fact, Jeeves.
"Jeeves, I'm engaged."
"I hope you will be very happy, sir."
"Don't be an ass. I'm engaged to Miss Bassett."

Right Ho, Jeeves (1934)

I charged into something which might have been a tree, but was not—being, in point of fact, Jeeves. Jeeves, I'm engaged. I hope you will be very...

I charged into something which might have been a tree, but was not—being, in point of fact, Jeeves. Jeeves, I'm engaged. I hope you will be very...

I charged into something which might have been a tree, but was not—being, in point of fact, Jeeves. Jeeves, I'm engaged. I hope you will be very...

I charged into something which might have been a tree, but was not—being, in point of fact, Jeeves. Jeeves, I'm engaged. I hope you will be very...