When I was five, I am told, and asked what my favorite things in the world were, I answered, smoked salmon and Bach. (Now, sixty years later, my answer would be the same.)

p. 182 - Uncle Tungsten (2001)

When I was five, I am told, and asked what my favorite things in the world were, I answered, smoked salmon and Bach. (Now, sixty years later, my...

When I was five, I am told, and asked what my favorite things in the world were, I answered, smoked salmon and Bach. (Now, sixty years later, my...

When I was five, I am told, and asked what my favorite things in the world were, I answered, smoked salmon and Bach. (Now, sixty years later, my...

When I was five, I am told, and asked what my favorite things in the world were, I answered, smoked salmon and Bach. (Now, sixty years later, my...