Oliver Herford Quote

Child-ren, behold the Chim-pan-zee; He sits on the an-ces-tral tree From which we sprang in ag-es gone. I'm glad we sprang: had we held on, We might, for aught that I can say, Be horrid Chim-pan-zees to-day.

A Child's Primer of Natural History, The Chimpanzee

Child-ren, behold the Chim-pan-zee; He sits on the an-ces-tral tree From which we sprang in ag-es gone. I'm glad we sprang: had we held on, We might, ...

Child-ren, behold the Chim-pan-zee; He sits on the an-ces-tral tree From which we sprang in ag-es gone. I'm glad we sprang: had we held on, We might, ...

Child-ren, behold the Chim-pan-zee; He sits on the an-ces-tral tree From which we sprang in ag-es gone. I'm glad we sprang: had we held on, We might, ...

Child-ren, behold the Chim-pan-zee; He sits on the an-ces-tral tree From which we sprang in ag-es gone. I'm glad we sprang: had we held on, We might, ...