During decades of the present life and throughout millennia of previous lives traversing the round of existence, there has steadily grown within each individual a closely knit system of intellectual and emotional prejudices, of bodily and mental habits that are no longer questioned as to their rightful position and useful function in human life. Here again, the application of bare attention loosens the hard soil of these often very ancient layers of the human mind.

p. 77 - The Vision of Dhamma (1994)

During decades of the present life and throughout millennia of previous lives traversing the round of existence, there has steadily grown within each ...

During decades of the present life and throughout millennia of previous lives traversing the round of existence, there has steadily grown within each ...

During decades of the present life and throughout millennia of previous lives traversing the round of existence, there has steadily grown within each ...

During decades of the present life and throughout millennia of previous lives traversing the round of existence, there has steadily grown within each ...