Mind is the very element in and through which we live, yet it is what is most elusive and mysterious. Bare Attention, however, by first attending patiently to the basic facts of the mental processes, is capable of shedding light on mind's mysterious darkness, and of obtaining a firm hold on its elusive flow.

p. 34 - The Heart of Buddhist Meditation (1965)

Mind is the very element in and through which we live, yet it is what is most elusive and mysterious. Bare Attention, however, by first attending...

Mind is the very element in and through which we live, yet it is what is most elusive and mysterious. Bare Attention, however, by first attending...

Mind is the very element in and through which we live, yet it is what is most elusive and mysterious. Bare Attention, however, by first attending...

Mind is the very element in and through which we live, yet it is what is most elusive and mysterious. Bare Attention, however, by first attending...