The convictions of the multitudes — and on certain points like the desirability of organizing the world on a nationalist basis there is overwhelming agreement — are sincere convictions. They are, as we know, sometimes disastrously erroneous; but they are also disastrously honest. The Nationalisms, the Protectionisms, the Mercantilisms and all the other fallacies which rack Europe and create the chaos are sincerely held fallacies. They are, to these multitudes, the truth, and the prophet who denies them shall be stoned.

Peace and the Public Mind (1935)

The convictions of the multitudes — and on certain points like the desirability of organizing the world on a nationalist basis there is...

The convictions of the multitudes — and on certain points like the desirability of organizing the world on a nationalist basis there is...

The convictions of the multitudes — and on certain points like the desirability of organizing the world on a nationalist basis there is...

The convictions of the multitudes — and on certain points like the desirability of organizing the world on a nationalist basis there is...