One great state says to others, as each in effect has been saying during the ten years of armament debate: "It is true that we ask for considerable power. Perhaps, all things considered, greater power than you. But it need not disturb you in the least, for we give you our most positive assurance that that power will be used purely for defense. And by defense we mean this: that when we get into a dispute with you as to our respective rights, when, that is, the question is whether you are right or we are right, what we mean by defense is that we shall always be in a position to be sole judge of the question. And so much stronger than you, that you will have to accept our verdict without any possibility of appeal. Could anything be fairer?"

Peace and the Public Mind (1935)

One great state says to others, as each in effect has been saying during the ten years of armament debate: It is true that we ask for considerable...

One great state says to others, as each in effect has been saying during the ten years of armament debate: It is true that we ask for considerable...

One great state says to others, as each in effect has been saying during the ten years of armament debate: It is true that we ask for considerable...

One great state says to others, as each in effect has been saying during the ten years of armament debate: It is true that we ask for considerable...