The more our commercial system gains in complication, the more does the common prosperity of us all come to depend upon the due performance of all contracts. Commercial development is broadly illustrating one profound truth: that the real basis of social morality is self-interest. If the subject of rivalry between nations is business, the code which has come to dominate business must necessarily come to dominate the conduct of governments.

The Great Illusion (1910)

The more our commercial system gains in complication, the more does the common prosperity of us all come to depend upon the due performance of all...

The more our commercial system gains in complication, the more does the common prosperity of us all come to depend upon the due performance of all...

The more our commercial system gains in complication, the more does the common prosperity of us all come to depend upon the due performance of all...

The more our commercial system gains in complication, the more does the common prosperity of us all come to depend upon the due performance of all...