Niccolò Machiavelli Quote

Because there is nothing proportionate between the armed and the unarmed; and it is not reasonable that he who is armed should yield obedience willingly to him who is unarmed, or that the unarmed man should be secure among armed servants. Because, there being in the one disdain and in the other suspicion, it is not possible for them to work well together.

Ch. 14; Variant: There can be no proper relation between one who is armed and one who is not. Nor it is reasonable to expect that one who is armed will voluntarily obey one who is not. - The Prince (1513)

Because there is nothing proportionate between the armed and the unarmed; and it is not reasonable that he who is armed should yield obedience...

Because there is nothing proportionate between the armed and the unarmed; and it is not reasonable that he who is armed should yield obedience...

Because there is nothing proportionate between the armed and the unarmed; and it is not reasonable that he who is armed should yield obedience...

Because there is nothing proportionate between the armed and the unarmed; and it is not reasonable that he who is armed should yield obedience...