They were being driven to a prison, through no fault of their own, in all probability for life. In comparison, how much easier it would be to walk to the gallows than to this tomb of living horrors!

Ten Days in a Mad-House (ed. Nellie Bly, 2017) - ISBN: 9788822888938

They were being driven to a prison, through no fault of their own, in all probability for life. In comparison, how much easier it would be to walk to ...

They were being driven to a prison, through no fault of their own, in all probability for life. In comparison, how much easier it would be to walk to ...

They were being driven to a prison, through no fault of their own, in all probability for life. In comparison, how much easier it would be to walk to ...

They were being driven to a prison, through no fault of their own, in all probability for life. In comparison, how much easier it would be to walk to ...