Neil deGrasse Tyson Quote

We should not measure our space-faring era by where footprints have been laid.... We should measure our era by how many people take no notice at all. A legacy rises to become culture only when its elements are so common that they no longer attract comment.

The Sky Is Not the Limit: Adventures of an Urban Astrophysicist (ed. Prometheus Books, 2010) - ISBN: 9781616141202

We should not measure our space-faring era by where footprints have been laid.... We should measure our era by how many people take no notice at all. ...

We should not measure our space-faring era by where footprints have been laid.... We should measure our era by how many people take no notice at all. ...

We should not measure our space-faring era by where footprints have been laid.... We should measure our era by how many people take no notice at all. ...

We should not measure our space-faring era by where footprints have been laid.... We should measure our era by how many people take no notice at all. ...