The treasury appears to be hard pressed on every side; and the demands of this time are infinitely greater than it is in their power to satisfy with the greatest exertions, upon the present plan of striking money. The truth of the affair is, there has been a great degree of negligence and want of timely attention, to prepare seasonably for the present demands. When I was in town in the winter, I reported to the Treasury Board what I thought would be absolutely necessary for the Quarter-master's department to the 2d of March; not one half of which have we been able to get, although every thing has been urged to induce them to supply our wants.

Letter to George Washington (24 April 1779)

The treasury appears to be hard pressed on every side; and the demands of this time are infinitely greater than it is in their power to satisfy with...

The treasury appears to be hard pressed on every side; and the demands of this time are infinitely greater than it is in their power to satisfy with...

The treasury appears to be hard pressed on every side; and the demands of this time are infinitely greater than it is in their power to satisfy with...

The treasury appears to be hard pressed on every side; and the demands of this time are infinitely greater than it is in their power to satisfy with...