When he died I had a moment of grief that lasted about five minutes. It was very intense, then never again. Not because I forced myself, but I think it was because he caused us too much pain.

On her father, Klaus Kinski, as quoted in Cameron Docherty, Interview: Nastassja Kinski - Still a daddy's girl, The Independent, September 26, 1997

When he died I had a moment of grief that lasted about five minutes. It was very intense, then never again. Not because I forced myself, but I think...

When he died I had a moment of grief that lasted about five minutes. It was very intense, then never again. Not because I forced myself, but I think...

When he died I had a moment of grief that lasted about five minutes. It was very intense, then never again. Not because I forced myself, but I think...

When he died I had a moment of grief that lasted about five minutes. It was very intense, then never again. Not because I forced myself, but I think...