The Gujarat Government had responded to the violence more swiftly and decisively than ever done before in any previous riots in the country. Yesterday's judgement culminated a process of unprecedented scrutiny closely monitored by the highest court of the land, the Honourable Supreme Court of India. Gujarat's 12 years of trial by the fire have finally drawn to an end. I feel liberated and at peace.

"Satyameva Jayate: Truth Alone Triumphs", 2013

The Gujarat Government had responded to the violence more swiftly and decisively than ever done before in any previous riots in the country....

The Gujarat Government had responded to the violence more swiftly and decisively than ever done before in any previous riots in the country....

The Gujarat Government had responded to the violence more swiftly and decisively than ever done before in any previous riots in the country....

The Gujarat Government had responded to the violence more swiftly and decisively than ever done before in any previous riots in the country....