When I met Nasser, he said to me, "I see myself when I was young in you. You are the future for the Arab revolution." This meant very, very much to me.

The Pittsburgh Press (3 August 1986) "Gadhafi, the man the world loves to hate" by Marie Colvin (UPI)

When I met Nasser, he said to me, I see myself when I was young in you. You are the future for the Arab revolution. This meant very, very much to me.

When I met Nasser, he said to me, I see myself when I was young in you. You are the future for the Arab revolution. This meant very, very much to me.

When I met Nasser, he said to me, I see myself when I was young in you. You are the future for the Arab revolution. This meant very, very much to me.

When I met Nasser, he said to me, I see myself when I was young in you. You are the future for the Arab revolution. This meant very, very much to me.