If man had been created solely for the sake of this world, he would have had no need of being inspired with a soul so precious and exalted as to be greater than the angels themselves, especially so in that it derives no satisfaction whatsoever from all of the pleasures of this world.... "What is this analogous to? To the case of a city dweller who married a princess. If he brought her all that the world possessed, it would mean nothing to her, by virtue of her being a king's daughter. So is it with the soul. If it were to be brought all the delights of the world, they would be as nothing to it."

quote is from Koheleth Rabbah - Mesillat Yesharim (1738) - Chapter 1

If man had been created solely for the sake of this world, he would have had no need of being inspired with a soul so precious and exalted as to be...

If man had been created solely for the sake of this world, he would have had no need of being inspired with a soul so precious and exalted as to be...

If man had been created solely for the sake of this world, he would have had no need of being inspired with a soul so precious and exalted as to be...

If man had been created solely for the sake of this world, he would have had no need of being inspired with a soul so precious and exalted as to be...