My resembling my father so very much, and being whiter than the other slaves, caused me to be soon sold to what they call a Negro trader, who took me to the southern states of America, several hundred miles from my mother. As well as I can recollect, I was then about six years old.

A Narrative of the Adventures and Escape of Moses Roper from American Slavery (1838)

My resembling my father so very much, and being whiter than the other slaves, caused me to be soon sold to what they call a Negro trader, who took me ...

My resembling my father so very much, and being whiter than the other slaves, caused me to be soon sold to what they call a Negro trader, who took me ...

My resembling my father so very much, and being whiter than the other slaves, caused me to be soon sold to what they call a Negro trader, who took me ...

My resembling my father so very much, and being whiter than the other slaves, caused me to be soon sold to what they call a Negro trader, who took me ...