Mohammad Reza Pahlavi Quote

They say that [martial law] would have cost my country less than the bloody anarchy which is there now. I can only reply that it is easy to play the prophet a posteriori and that a sovereign may not save his throne by shedding his compatriots' blood. A dictator can, because he acts, because he acts in the name of an ideology which he believes must triumph whatever the price. But a sovereign is not a dictator. There is an alliance between him and his people which he cannot break. A dictator has nothing to hand over. Power lies in him, and in him alone. A sovereign receives a crown and it is his duty to pass it on.

Page 182 - Publications - The Shah's Story (1980) - On himself

They say that [martial law] would have cost my country less than the bloody anarchy which is there now. I can only reply that it is easy to play the...

They say that [martial law] would have cost my country less than the bloody anarchy which is there now. I can only reply that it is easy to play the...

They say that [martial law] would have cost my country less than the bloody anarchy which is there now. I can only reply that it is easy to play the...

They say that [martial law] would have cost my country less than the bloody anarchy which is there now. I can only reply that it is easy to play the...