Miriam Makeba Quote

My concerts were canceled left and right. Speaking about South African Apartheid was fine, but they were suddenly afraid I might speak about American Apartheid, although I never did. Bookers told me that my shows would finance radical activities and [Reprise Records] told me they were not going to honor my recording contract. I didn't say anything, but if I was married to a troublemaker, I must be a troublemaker. I'd already lived in exile for 10 years, and the world is free, even if some of the countries in it aren't, so I packed my bags and left.

As quoted in Poet, J. (11 February 2009)

My concerts were canceled left and right. Speaking about South African Apartheid was fine, but they were suddenly afraid I might speak about American ...

My concerts were canceled left and right. Speaking about South African Apartheid was fine, but they were suddenly afraid I might speak about American ...

My concerts were canceled left and right. Speaking about South African Apartheid was fine, but they were suddenly afraid I might speak about American ...

My concerts were canceled left and right. Speaking about South African Apartheid was fine, but they were suddenly afraid I might speak about American ...