Mihajlo D. Mesarovic Quote

Isn't it legitimate to ask, as representatives of the developing countries, whether there should be maximum limits consumption...?

p. 69; Quoted in: B. Goudzwaard, Jerzy Śliziński, H. M. de Lange (1995) Beyond Poverty and Affluence: Toward an Economy of Care With a Twelve-Step Program for Economic Recovery. p. 115 - Mankind at the Turning Point, (1974)

Isn't it legitimate to ask, as representatives of the developing countries, whether there should be maximum limits consumption...?

Isn't it legitimate to ask, as representatives of the developing countries, whether there should be maximum limits consumption...?

Isn't it legitimate to ask, as representatives of the developing countries, whether there should be maximum limits consumption...?

Isn't it legitimate to ask, as representatives of the developing countries, whether there should be maximum limits consumption...?