To sum up all these steps, each of which is very lengthy and complex, we will have put the game of truth back in the network of constraints and dominations. Truth, I should say rather, the system of truth and falsity, will have revealed the face it turned away from us for so long and which is that of its violence.

p. 4 - Lectures on the Will to Know (1970)

To sum up all these steps, each of which is very lengthy and complex, we will have put the game of truth back in the network of constraints and...

To sum up all these steps, each of which is very lengthy and complex, we will have put the game of truth back in the network of constraints and...

To sum up all these steps, each of which is very lengthy and complex, we will have put the game of truth back in the network of constraints and...

To sum up all these steps, each of which is very lengthy and complex, we will have put the game of truth back in the network of constraints and...