Others form man; I tell of him, and portray a particular one, very ill-formed, whom I should really make very different from whathe is if I had to fashion him over again. But now it is done.

The Complete Works: Essays, Travel Journal, Letters (ed. Everyman's Library, 2003)

Others form man; I tell of him, and portray a particular one, very ill-formed, whom I should really make very different from whathe is if I had to...

Others form man; I tell of him, and portray a particular one, very ill-formed, whom I should really make very different from whathe is if I had to...

Others form man; I tell of him, and portray a particular one, very ill-formed, whom I should really make very different from whathe is if I had to...

Others form man; I tell of him, and portray a particular one, very ill-formed, whom I should really make very different from whathe is if I had to...