I would rather produce my passions than brood over them at my expense; they grow languid when they have vent and expression. It is better that their point should operate outwardly than be turned against us.

Complete Essays (ed. Stanford University Press, 1958) - ISBN: 9780804704861

I would rather produce my passions than brood over them at my expense; they grow languid when they have vent and expression. It is better that their...

I would rather produce my passions than brood over them at my expense; they grow languid when they have vent and expression. It is better that their...

I would rather produce my passions than brood over them at my expense; they grow languid when they have vent and expression. It is better that their...

I would rather produce my passions than brood over them at my expense; they grow languid when they have vent and expression. It is better that their...