If falsehood, like truth, had one face, we should know better where we are, for we should then take for certain the opposite of what the liar tells us.

Essays (1580, ed. M. Rat, 1958) bk. 1, ch. 9

If falsehood, like truth, had one face, we should know better where we are, for we should then take for certain the opposite of what the liar tells...

If falsehood, like truth, had one face, we should know better where we are, for we should then take for certain the opposite of what the liar tells...

If falsehood, like truth, had one face, we should know better where we are, for we should then take for certain the opposite of what the liar tells...

If falsehood, like truth, had one face, we should know better where we are, for we should then take for certain the opposite of what the liar tells...