It is only when we have planted our feet on the firm ground which can be won only with the help of the experience of real life, that we have a right to feel secure in surrendering to our belief in a philosophy of the world based upon a faith in the rational ordering of this world.

The Philosophy of Physics, Chapter IV (p. 125), W.W. Norton & Company, Inc. 1936

It is only when we have planted our feet on the firm ground which can be won only with the help of the experience of real life, that we have a right...

It is only when we have planted our feet on the firm ground which can be won only with the help of the experience of real life, that we have a right...

It is only when we have planted our feet on the firm ground which can be won only with the help of the experience of real life, that we have a right...

It is only when we have planted our feet on the firm ground which can be won only with the help of the experience of real life, that we have a right...