As a child I scribbled; and my favourite pastime, during the hours given me for recreation, was to "write stories." Still I had a dearer pleasure than this, which was the formation of castles in the air—the indulging in waking dreams—the following up trains of thought, which had for their subject the formation of a succession of imaginary incidents. My dreams were at once more fantastic and agreeable than my writings.

Introduction to the 1831 edition of Frankenstein

As a child I scribbled; and my favourite pastime, during the hours given me for recreation, was to write stories. Still I had a dearer pleasure than...

As a child I scribbled; and my favourite pastime, during the hours given me for recreation, was to write stories. Still I had a dearer pleasure than...

As a child I scribbled; and my favourite pastime, during the hours given me for recreation, was to write stories. Still I had a dearer pleasure than...

As a child I scribbled; and my favourite pastime, during the hours given me for recreation, was to write stories. Still I had a dearer pleasure than...