Patience and endurance were not virtues in a woman; they were necessities, forced on her. Perhaps some day things would change and women would renounce them. They would rise up and say: 'We are not patient. We will endure no more.' Then what would happen to the world?

This Strange Adventure (1929)

Patience and endurance were not virtues in a woman; they were necessities, forced on her. Perhaps some day things would change and women would...

Patience and endurance were not virtues in a woman; they were necessities, forced on her. Perhaps some day things would change and women would...

Patience and endurance were not virtues in a woman; they were necessities, forced on her. Perhaps some day things would change and women would...

Patience and endurance were not virtues in a woman; they were necessities, forced on her. Perhaps some day things would change and women would...