Marshall McLuhan Quote

It is always the psychic and social grounds, brought into play by each medium or technology, that readjust the balance of the hemispheres and of human sensibilities into equilibrium with those grounds.

p. 82 - Laws of Media: The New Science (with Eric McLuhan) (1988)

It is always the psychic and social grounds, brought into play by each medium or technology, that readjust the balance of the hemispheres and of...

It is always the psychic and social grounds, brought into play by each medium or technology, that readjust the balance of the hemispheres and of...

It is always the psychic and social grounds, brought into play by each medium or technology, that readjust the balance of the hemispheres and of...

It is always the psychic and social grounds, brought into play by each medium or technology, that readjust the balance of the hemispheres and of...