The philosopher must teach these pupils [French students] that it is far less essential to understand nature than to enjoy and respect its laws; that these laws are both wise and simple; that they are written in all human hearts, and that one need merely question a heart in order to appreciate its impulses.

Yet Another Effort, Frenchmen, If You Would Become Republicans - Philosophy in the Bedroom (1795)

The philosopher must teach these pupils [French students] that it is far less essential to understand nature than to enjoy and respect its laws; that ...

The philosopher must teach these pupils [French students] that it is far less essential to understand nature than to enjoy and respect its laws; that ...

The philosopher must teach these pupils [French students] that it is far less essential to understand nature than to enjoy and respect its laws; that ...

The philosopher must teach these pupils [French students] that it is far less essential to understand nature than to enjoy and respect its laws; that ...