I strongly condemn this crime, and am of the opinion that those who are found guilty by a court of law should be given harsh punishment. At the same time, I would like to know whether the same hue and cry which has been raised about it in the media and in Parliament would have been raised had this incident happened in some other part of India, particularly in rural India. I am sure it would not. But surely Delhi is not the whole of India.

On the media attention focused on the 2012 Delhi gang rape, as quoted in "Delhi gangrape: 'Rape isn't India's only problem'", IBNLive (19 December 2012)

I strongly condemn this crime, and am of the opinion that those who are found guilty by a court of law should be given harsh punishment. At the same...

I strongly condemn this crime, and am of the opinion that those who are found guilty by a court of law should be given harsh punishment. At the same...

I strongly condemn this crime, and am of the opinion that those who are found guilty by a court of law should be given harsh punishment. At the same...

I strongly condemn this crime, and am of the opinion that those who are found guilty by a court of law should be given harsh punishment. At the same...