Mark Pesce Quote

A child now entering first grade has never known a world without the Web; I want you, just for a moment, to try to imagine a world without the telephone, without electricity. It's difficult to do, because both of these technologies are entirely commonplace, woven into the fabric of our culture so intensely it becomes nearly impossible to imagine a time before they existed. As electricity is for us, the Web will be for our children; an invisible field of knowledge that surrounds them, and infuses the entire world with instant answers to their requests. Within a generation, it won't be important how much you can remember; that will have been replaced by how agile you are at acquiring the facts you need.

Toys and the Playful World

A child now entering first grade has never known a world without the Web; I want you, just for a moment, to try to imagine a world without the...

A child now entering first grade has never known a world without the Web; I want you, just for a moment, to try to imagine a world without the...

A child now entering first grade has never known a world without the Web; I want you, just for a moment, to try to imagine a world without the...

A child now entering first grade has never known a world without the Web; I want you, just for a moment, to try to imagine a world without the...