When new or rarely seen things awaken in our minds more wonder than those which are common and ordinary, our desire to learn their causes should be aroused accordingly, and with it our wish to put to test those things reported to us by others or supplied by our own minds.

Discourse on the Comets, Discourse on the Comet (p. 2), Published by the author. Florence, Italy. 1619

When new or rarely seen things awaken in our minds more wonder than those which are common and ordinary, our desire to learn their causes should be...

When new or rarely seen things awaken in our minds more wonder than those which are common and ordinary, our desire to learn their causes should be...

When new or rarely seen things awaken in our minds more wonder than those which are common and ordinary, our desire to learn their causes should be...

When new or rarely seen things awaken in our minds more wonder than those which are common and ordinary, our desire to learn their causes should be...