Fortune frequently showers her choicest gifts on the most unworthy scoundrels, male and female, that burden this earth's surface. It's odd — it's unfair, but it's true.

Boy: A Sketch (1900)

Fortune frequently showers her choicest gifts on the most unworthy scoundrels, male and female, that burden this earth's surface. It's odd — it's...

Fortune frequently showers her choicest gifts on the most unworthy scoundrels, male and female, that burden this earth's surface. It's odd — it's...

Fortune frequently showers her choicest gifts on the most unworthy scoundrels, male and female, that burden this earth's surface. It's odd — it's...

Fortune frequently showers her choicest gifts on the most unworthy scoundrels, male and female, that burden this earth's surface. It's odd — it's...