The tube of Newton's first telescope was made from the cover of an old book-a little glass at one end of the tube and a large brain at the other.

In: Helen Wright, Sweeper in the Sky, Chapter 9 (p. 168), Macmillan & Company. 1949

The tube of Newton's first telescope was made from the cover of an old book-a little glass at one end of the tube and a large brain at the other.

The tube of Newton's first telescope was made from the cover of an old book-a little glass at one end of the tube and a large brain at the other.

The tube of Newton's first telescope was made from the cover of an old book-a little glass at one end of the tube and a large brain at the other.

The tube of Newton's first telescope was made from the cover of an old book-a little glass at one end of the tube and a large brain at the other.