It is therefore proper to acknowledge that the first filaments of the chick pre-exist in the egg and have a deeper origin, exactly as [the embryo] in the eggs of plants.

'On the Formation of the Chick in the Egg' (1673), in H. B. Adelmann (ed.), Marcello Malpighi and the Evolution of Embryology (1966), Vol. 2

It is therefore proper to acknowledge that the first filaments of the chick pre-exist in the egg and have a deeper origin, exactly as [the embryo] in ...

It is therefore proper to acknowledge that the first filaments of the chick pre-exist in the egg and have a deeper origin, exactly as [the embryo] in ...

It is therefore proper to acknowledge that the first filaments of the chick pre-exist in the egg and have a deeper origin, exactly as [the embryo] in ...

It is therefore proper to acknowledge that the first filaments of the chick pre-exist in the egg and have a deeper origin, exactly as [the embryo] in ...