If we Communists show no interest in industry and the economy and are not good at any other useful work, if we know nothing about these things and are capable of nothing, except 'revolutionary work' in the abstract, this kind of revolutionary is of no use at all. We must oppose this kind of good-for-nothing revolutionary and learn all kinds of technical knowledge that will help China's industrialization.

As reported in: Beijing Review, Vol. 22, No. 40, October 5, 1979, p. 28

If we Communists show no interest in industry and the economy and are not good at any other useful work, if we know nothing about these things and...

If we Communists show no interest in industry and the economy and are not good at any other useful work, if we know nothing about these things and...

If we Communists show no interest in industry and the economy and are not good at any other useful work, if we know nothing about these things and...

If we Communists show no interest in industry and the economy and are not good at any other useful work, if we know nothing about these things and...